A.K.Collection: Coin ID C06 from Lot no. 851


Aureolus, AD 267-268 struck in the name of Postumus.Antoninianus (AR; 18-20mm; 3.68g; 6h) Mediolanum (Milan), 3rd issue, 267. IMP POSTVMVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. CONCORD EQVIT Fortuna standing left, foot on prow, holding patera in right hand and rudder in left; in exergue, S. Very rare.
C.19; Cunetio 2483 (3rd issue – 7 known); Elmer 613; RIC V, II p. 367, 373; Schulzki AGK p. 47, 6b.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG, Basel 1995.


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