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A.K.Collection: Lot no. 851

    ID C01:

Aureolus, AD 267-268 struck in the name of Postumus.Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.96g; 11h) Mediolanum (Milan), 1st issue, 267. I[MP C P]OSTVMVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. FIDES AE-[QVIT] Fides seated left, holding patera and ensign. Extremely rare.
C. 57; Cunetio 2471 (1st issue – 1 known); Elmer 603; Holmes collection 594a; RIC V, II p. 368, 376; Schulzki AGK p. 49, 15.
From the stock of M. Brugger, Zug 1991.

    ID C02:

Aureolus, AD 267-268 struck in the name of Postumus.Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 2.67g; 6h) Mediolanum (Milan), 2nd issue, 267. IMP POSTVMVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. CONCORD EQVIT Fortuna standing left, foot on prow, holding patera in right hand and rudder in left. Very rare.
C. 19; Cunetio 2474 (2nd issue – 9 known); Elmer 607; Holmes collection 594b; RIC V, II p. 367, 373; Schulzki AGK p. 47, 5.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG, Basel 1963.

    ID C03:

Aureolus, AD 267-268 struck in the name of Postumus.Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.69g; 1h) Mediolanum (Milan), 3rd issue, 267. IMP P[OSTVMV]S AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. FI[DES E]QVIT Fides seated left, holding patera in right hand and ensign in left; in exergue, P.
C. 60; Cunetio 2479-81 (3rd issue – 53 known); Elmer 612; RIC V, II p. 368, 378; Schulzki AGK p. 50, 18c.
From the M. Weder and R. Lobel collections and from the Blackmoor Hoard von 1873.

    ID C04:

Aureolus, AD 267-268 struck in the name of Postumus.Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 2.24g; 7h) Mediolanum (Milan) 3rd issue, 267. IMP POS[TVMVS AVG] Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. [FI]DES E-QVIT Fides seated left, holding patera in right hand and ensign in left; in exergue, P. Very rare.
C. 60; Cunetio 2480 (3rd issue – 6 known); Elmer 612; RIC V, II p. 368, 378; Schulzki AGK p. 50, 18c.
From the stock of M. Brugger, Zug 2006.

    ID C05:

Aureolus, AD 267-268 struck in the name of Postumus.Antoninianus (AR; 18-19mm; 2.09g; 6h) Mediolanum (Milan), 3rd issue, 267. [IMP POS]TVMVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. FIDES E-QVIT Fides seated left, holding patera in right hand and ensign in left; in exergue, P. Very rare.
C. 60; Cunetio 2480 (3rd issue – 6 known); Elmer 612; RIC V, II p. 368, 378; Schulzki AGK p. 50, 18c.
From the stock of M. Brugger, Zug 1991.

    ID C06:

Aureolus, AD 267-268 struck in the name of Postumus.Antoninianus (AR; 18-20mm; 3.68g; 6h) Mediolanum (Milan), 3rd issue, 267. IMP POSTVMVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. CONCORD EQVIT Fortuna standing left, foot on prow, holding patera in right hand and rudder in left; in exergue, S. Very rare.
C.19; Cunetio 2483 (3rd issue – 7 known); Elmer 613; RIC V, II p. 367, 373; Schulzki AGK p. 47, 6b.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG, Basel 1995.

    ID C07:

Aureolus, AD 267-268 struck in the name of Postumus.Antoninianus (AR; 18-20mm; 2.94g; 6h) Mediolanum (Milan), 3rd issue, 267. [IMP P]OSTVMVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. CONCO-RD EQVIT Fortuna standing left, foot on prow, holding patera in right hand and rudder in left; in exergue, S. Very rare.
C. 19; Cunetio 2483 (3rd issue – 7 known); Elmer 613; RIC V, II p. 367, 373; Schulzki AGK p. 47, 6b; Weder p. 104, 6b.
From the stock of M. Brugger, Zug 1991.

    ID C08:

Aureolus, AD 267-268 struck in the name of Postumus.Antoninianus (AR; 17-20mm; 3.83g; 4h) Mediolanum (Milan), 3rd issue, 267. I[MP] POSTVMVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. VIRT[VS] EQVIT Mars walking to right, holding spear and shield; in exergue, T.
C. 441; Cunetio 2485 or 2486 (3rd issue – 27 known); Elmer 614; RIC V, II p. 368, 388; Schulzki AGK p. 68, 111b.
From the Perron collection 1973.

    ID C09:

Aureolus, AD 267-268 struck in the name of Postumus.Antoninianus (AR; 18-20mm; 2.97g; 10h) Mediolanum (Milan), 4th issue, 267. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. V[IRTVS] EQVIT Mars walking to right, holding spear and shield; in exergue, T. Extremely rare.
C. 442; Cunetio 2495 (4th issue - 3 known); Elmer 617; Holmes collection 595; RIC V, II p. 368, 387; Schulzki AGK p. 68, 111a.
From the stock of M. Brugger, Zug 2006.

    ID C10:

Aureolus, AD 267-268 struck in the name of Postumus.Antoninianus (AR; 18-19mm; 2.14g; 10h) Mediolanum (Milan), 4th issue, 267. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. VIR[TVS] EQVIT Mars walking to right, holding spear and shield; in exergue, T. Very rare.
C. 442; Cunetio 2495 (4th issue – 3 known); Elmer 617; Holmes collection. 595; RIC V, II p. 368, 387; Schulzki AGK p. 68, 111a.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG, Basel 1998.

    ID C11:

Aureolus, AD 267-268 struck in the name of Postumus.Antoninianus (AR; 19-21mm; 3.66g; 6h) Mediolanum (Milan), 5th issue, 267-268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PAX – EQVITVM Pax standing to left, holding olive branch and sceptre; in exergue, T. Very rare.
C. 228; Cunetio 2498 (5th issue – 8 known); Elmer 620; Holmes coll. 596a; RIC V, II p. 368, 381; Schulzki AGK p. 58, 57.
From the Naegeli collection and from the stock of F. Sternberg AG, Zurich 1972.

    ID C12:

Aureolus, AD 267-268 struck in the name of Postumus.Antoninianus (AR; 19-20mm; 2.29g; 5h) Mediolanum (Milan), 5th issue, 267-268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. PAX – E-QVI-TVM Pax standing to left, holding olive branch and sceptre; in exergue, [T]. Very rare.
C. 228; Cunetio 2498 (5th issue – 8 known); Elmer 620; Holmes coll. 596a; RIC V, II p. 368, 381; Schulzki AGK p. 58, 57.
From the Neussel collection 1998.


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