A.K.Collection: Coin ID G10 from Lot no. 855


Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 4.16g; 11h) Cyzicus, 4th issue, 1st officina, ca mid 270 - Sep 270. [IMP CLAV]DIVS P F AVG Radiate, cuirassed and draped bust of Claudius Gothicus to right, seen from the back; below, dot. Rev. FORTVN-A REDVX Fortuna standing left, holding rudder in right hand and cornucopiae in left. Heavy weight compared to following coin.
Bastien 2393-2413; C. 102; RIC V, I p. 231, 234; RIC online (temp.) 972 (90 known).
From the stock of M. Pfefferle, Dornstetten 2001.


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