A.K.Collection: Coin ID F46 from Lot no. 854


Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 2.80g; 12h) Siscia, 4th issue, 3rd officina, early – c. end of August 270. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. PROVIDEN AVG Providentia standing left, holding baton in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at feet to left, globe; right in field, S.
Bastien 2320 (this coin illustrated); C. 227; RIC V, I p. 227, 187; RIC online (temp.) 788 (54 known) (this coin mentioned).
From the M. Weder collection, Pratteln 1987and illustrated in Bastien pl. 15.


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