A.K.Collection: Coin ID F38 from Lot no. 854


Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 22-23mm; 3.65g; 6h) Siscia, 3rd issue, phase 1, 2nd off., spring-end 269. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius Gothicus to right. Rev. VIRTVS Virtus standing left, holding shield which rests on ground in right hand and spear in left; left in field, *, right in field, II. Brockage as undertype on Revers visible.
Bastien 2281-2282; C. 318; Cunetio 2302; Normanby 1090; RIC V, I p. 227, 195; RIC online (temp.) 695 (90 known).
From the stock of Athena, Munich 1998.


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