A.K.Collection: Coin ID B05 from Lot no. 850


Salonina, Augusta AD 254-268. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.67g; 6h) Rome, 6th issue, 260-261. SALONI-NA AVG Diademed and draped bust of Salonina on crescent to right. Rev. PVDI-C-ITIA Puditicia seated to left, raising veil with right hand and holding sceptre with left; in exergue, VI.
C. 94; Cunetio 990 (112 known); MIR 36, 376dd (62 known) 376dd; RIC V, I p. 194, 25.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle, Dornstetten 2003.


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