A.K.Collection: Coin ID B41 from Lot no. 850


Gallienus, AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 2.67g; 6h) Colonia Agrippinensis (Cologne), 2nd issue, 257-260. GALLIENVS P [F] AVG Radiate and cuirassed and draped bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. DIO M-AR-TI Mars standing left within temple, holding spear in left hand and shield in right. Rare.
C. 149; Cunetio 713; Holmes collection 307d; MIR 36, 889h (17 known); RIC V, I p. 69, 10.
From the stock of M. Brugger, Zug 1990.


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