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A.K.Collection: Lot no. 860

    ID M01:

Gallienus, AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 16-18mm; 2.39g; 12h) irregular. [GA]LLIENVS AV[G] Radiate bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. [D]IA-NAE CONS [AVG] Antelope walking to left; in exergue, [XII].
C. 162; MIR 36, 750b (194 known); RIC V, I p. 146, 181.
From the stock of G. Blançon, Hannover 2000.

    ID M02:

Gallienus, AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 2.57g; 12h) irregular. G[ALLIEN]VS AVG Radiate bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. SECV[RI]T P[ERP]ET Securitas standing left, legs crossed, holding sceptre in right hand and leaning on column. It also could be re-cut on the obverse.
Cf. C. 961; cf. Cunetio 1258 (68 known); cf. MIR 36, 591a (32 known); cf. RIC V, I p. 155, 280.
From the stock of F. Javorsek, Munich 1980.

    ID M03:

Gallienus, AD 253-268. Antoninianus (BI; 16-17mm; 2.67g; 5h) irregular. [GAL]LIENVS A[VG] Radiate bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. VICT-O[RIA AE]T Victory standing to left, holding wreath in right hand.Strange hair style on forehead.
Cf. C. 1071; Cunetio -; cf. MIR 36: pl. 49, 587a; cf. RIC V, I p. 157, 297.
From the stock of G. Blançon, Hannover 2002.

    ID M04:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.13g; 11h) irregular ?. [ ]S AVG Radiate head to right. Rev. AETER-N[IT AVG] Sol standing to left, raising right hand and holding globe in left.
Cf. C. 16; MIR 47, pl. 29: 94tO; cf. RIC V, I p. 213, 16.

    ID M05:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 14-16mm; 2.03g; 6h) irregular. [ ] Radiate head to right. Rev. AET-E[ ]G Sol standing frontal, holding globe in left hand, right arm raised.
Cf. C. 16; MIR 47 pl. 29: 94wO; cf. RIC V, I p. 16.

    ID M06:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 2.76g; 12h) irregular ‘Gallic’?. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, cuirassed and draped bust to right. Rev. AEQVIT-AS [AVG] Aequitas standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left.
Cf. C. 6; cf MIR 47 pl. 100/2yO cf. RIC V, I p. 212, 14.
From the Rosche collection 1991.

    ID M07:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (AE; 15-16mm; 2.83g; 6h) irregular. [IM]P CLA[VDIVS AVG] Radiate bust to right. Rev. AEQ[VITAS AVG] Aequitas standing to left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left.
Cf. C. 10; MIR 47 pl. 46: 100/2zO; cf. RIC V, I p. 212, 15.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG, Zurich 1998.

    ID M08:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (AE; 17-18mm; 1.83g; 12h) irregular. [ ]DIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust to right. Rev. [ ]EQVITAS [ ] Aequitas standing to left, holding scale in right hand and sceptre in left.
C. 10; MIR 47 pl. 46: 100/2yO; RIC V, I p. 212, 15.

    ID M09:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (AE; 14-15mm; 3.39g; 12h) irregular. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, cuirassed and draped bust to right. Rev. AEQVIT-AS [AVG] Aequitas standing left, holding scale in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in the field to right, S.
Cf. C. 15; cf .MIR 47 pl. 100/2z; cf. RIC V, I p. 212, 15.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG, Zurich 1998.

    ID M10:

Claudius II Gothicus AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-16mm; 2.85g; 6h) irregular. [ ]VS AVG Radiate bust to right. Rev. AIIIIIIO[IIIA AVG] Female standing to left, holding corn-ears in right hand and cornucopiae in left; at feet, prora.
Cf. C. 21 or 22; MIR 47, pl. 47: 100/3zO; mt 10, 2009, p. 132ff. pl. 20 (this coin illustrated); cf. RIC V, I p. 18 or 19.
From the stock of M. Brugger, Zug 1997 and illustrated in mt 10, 2009 pl. 20.

    ID M11:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 16mm; 1.81g; 6h) irregular. [IM]P CLAVDI[ ] Radiate head to right. Rev. AN[NONA A]VG Annona standing to left, holding corn-ears in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in front, prora; in the field to right, Δ.
Cf. C. 22; MIR 47 pl. 56: 102/2t (ohne Delta); cf. RIC V, I p. 213, 19.
From the stock of M. Brugger, Zug 1997.

    ID M12:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-16mm; 1.21g; 5h) irregular. [ ]DIVS AVG Radiate head to right. Rev. A[ ]VC; Annona standing left, foot on prow, holding ears of corn and cornucopiae; in the field to right, Δ.
Cf. C. 22; cf. MIR 47 pl. 26: 89m for the style and cf. pl. 47, 100/3z; cf. RIC V, I p. 213, 19.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle, Dornstetten 2001.

    ID M13:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270 Antoninianus (BI; 16-18mm; 2.78g; 6h) irregular. IIIIIP [ ]S AVG Radiate bust to right. Rev. A-POLLIN-I CONS Apollo standing left, holding branch in right hand and cornucopiae in left; in the field to right, H.
C. 26var; MIR 47, pl. 29: 93u8 (not known); cf. RIC V, I p. 213, 22.
From the stock of M. Brugger, Zug 1997.

    ID M14:

Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 268-270 Antoninianus (BI; 16-18mm; 2.12g; 6h)irregular. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate bust to right. Rev. DIV-[ ] S AVG Tempel.
MIR 47 pl. 56: 102/7yo (this coin illustrated); mt 3, 2010 p. 136 and p. 137 pl. 9 (this coin illustrated).
From the stock of M. Pfefferle, Dornstetten 2003 and illustrated in MIR 47 pl. 56.

    ID M15:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-18mm; 2.37g; 10h) irregular ?. [ ]S AVG Radiate bust to right. Rev. FELI-CITA[S AVG] Felicitas standing to left, holding caduceus in right hand and cornucopiae in left.
Cf. C. 80; Pflaum-Bastien 1787; MIR 47, pl. 42: 100/4tO; mt 10, 2009 p. 135 and p. 134 # 21 (this coin illustrated); cf. RIC V, I p. 214, 33.
From the Popp collection 1974 and illustrated in mt 10, 2009 pl. 21 and mt 10, 2009 pl. 21

    ID M16:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-17mm; 2.35g; 7h) irregular. IMP CLA[ ] Radiate bust to right. Rev. GEIII[ ] Genius standing to left by altar, holding patera in right hand and cornucopiae in left.
Cf. C. 109; MIR 47 pl. 47: 100/7t0; cf. RIC V, I p. 215, 46.

    ID M17:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (AE; 10mm; 2.45g; 6h) irregular. [ ]VG Radiate head to right. Rev. [ ]IV[ ]S Genius (?) standing left by altar, holding patera and cornucopiae.
Cf. C. 109; cf. MIR 47 pl. 47: 100/7uO; cf. RIC V, I p. 215, 46.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG, Zurich 1996.

    ID M18:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-18mm; 2.40g; 1h) irregular. [IM]P C CLAVDIUVS P F A[VG] Radiate bust to right. Rev. Genius standing left, holding patera in right hand and cornucopiae in left.
Cf. C.114; MIR 47 pl. 48: 100/8yO; RIC V, I p. 215, 48; Weder p. 251 “Gallic”.
From the M. Weder collection, Pratteln 1970.

    ID M19:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.21g; 3h) irregular gallic. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, cuirassed and draped bust, seen from the back. Rev. [IOVI S]TATORI Jupiter standing left, holding sceptre in right hand and thunderbolt in left.
Cf. C. 124; MIR 47 pl. 100/9xO; mt 10, 2009 p. 135 and p. 134 pl. 22 (this coin illustrated); cf. RIC V, I p. 215, 52.
From the stock of Heritage, Paris 1998 and illustrated in mt 10, 2009 pl. 22.

    ID M20:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-20mm; 1.65g; 6h) irregular. [IM]P [C CL]AVDIVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust to right. Rev. I[OVI V]IC-TORI Jupiter standing to left, holding thunderbolt (?) in right hand and sceptre in left.
Cf. C. 129; MIR 47 pl. 48: 100/10yO; cf. RIC V, I p. 215, 54.

    ID M21:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.34g; 5h) irregular gallic. IIIIP LCAVDIVS II[VG] Radiate bust to right. Rev. IOIII V-C-[TORI] Jupiter standing to left, holding sceptre, thunderbold etc. in hands; in the field to right, H.
Cf. C. 131; mt 10, 2009 p. 135 and p. 134 pl. 23 (this coin illustrated); MIR 47, cf. pl. 48: 100/10z0; cf. RIC V, I p. 55.
From the stock of Hamborg, Ulzen 1998 1974 and illustrated in mt 10, 2009 pl. 23.

    ID M22:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-18mm; 2.32g; 1h) irregular. [IM]P CLA[VDIVS AVG Radiate head to right. Rev. [LIBE]RT [AVG] Libertas standing to left, holding pileus in right hand and cornucopiae in left.
Cf. C.151; cf. MIR 47 pl. 57: 102/31AtO; cf. RIC V, I p. 216, 63.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG, Basel 1971.

    ID M23:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-17mm; 1.83g; 12h) irregular. [ ]C[ ]VDIVS AV[G] Radiate head to right. Rev. [ ]ER[T A]VG Libertas (?) with pileus and wand standing to left.
Cf. C. 151; cf. MIR 47 pl. 57: 102/31AtO; cf. RIC V, I p. 216, 63.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG, Zurich.

    ID M24:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 14-16mm; 3.07g; 7h) irregular. [ ]DIVS AVG Radiate bust to right. Rev. M[ARS VLTO]R Mars walking to right, holding spear and tropaion; in the field to right, H.
Cf C. 159; MIR 47 pl. 48: 100/13z0; cf. RIC V, I p. 216, 67.
From the stock of G. Blançon, Hannover 1998.

    ID M25:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 3.19g; 12h) irregular. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVC Radiate, cuirassed and draped bust to right. Rev. MART [ ]Mars standing , holding branch and spear, beside him, shield.
Cf. C. 165; MIR 47 pl. 52: 101/13y; cf. RIC V, I p. 216, 71var.

    ID M26:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-20mm; 2.70g; 12h) irregular. [I]MP CLAVDIVS AV[G] Radiate head to right. Rev. MART-[ ]IFERO Mars standing left, holding olive-branch in right hand and spear in left; in the field to left, X.
Cf. Bastien 2048; cf. C. 169; cf. RIC V, I p. 216, 72.
From the stock of Münzen und Medaillen AG, Basel 1971.

    ID M27:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (AE; 16-17mm; 1.85g; 6h) irregular. [ ]IVS AVG Radiate head to right. Rev. [ ] Mars, holding branch in hand, walking to left; in the field to left, X.
Cf. Bastien 208; cf; C. 169; cf. RIC V, I p. 216, 72.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG, Zurich 1998.

    ID M28:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 2.47g; 5h) irregular. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, cuirassed and draped bust to right. Rev. MARTI PACIFERO Mars standing holding shield and spear; in exergue, A.
Cf. C. 169; MIR 47 pl. 58: 102/32y1; mt 10, 2009 p. 135 and p. 134 # 24 (this coin illustrated); cf. RIC V, I p. 216, 72.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG, Basel 1971 and illustrated in mt 10, 2009 pl. 24.

    ID M29:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 3.31g; 12h) irregular. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, cuirassed and draped bust to right. Rev. ORI-E-NS A[VG] Sol standing left, raising right hand and holding globe in left.
Cf. C. 187; MIR 47 – but cf. pl. 55: 102/37 (DIVO); mt 10, 2009 p. 135 and p. 134 pl. 25 (this coin illustrated); RIC V, I p. 217, 76.
From the stock of S. Sonntag, Stuttgart 1989 and illustrated in mt 10, 2009 pl. 25.

    ID M30:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 15mm; 1.28g; 12h) irregular. [IMP] CL-AVDIUS A[ ] Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev. [ ]VC Female -Pax (?) -standing to left.
Cf. C. 197; cf. MIR 47 pl. 28: 84yO var.
From the Wesche collection 2005.

    ID M31:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.72g; 5h) irregular. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev. P-ROV[ID] AVG Female standing to left, holding sceptre in left hand and wand in right; at feet, globe.
Cf. C. 222; cf. MIR 47 pl. 59: 102/53yO; cf. RIC V, I p. 217, 87.
From the stock of M. Brugger, Zug 1997.

    ID M32:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (AE; 16-17mm; 1.81g; 7h) irregular. IMP C CL[AVDIVS / IIIIC Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev. P-ROV-ID-ENT AVC Female standing to left, holding wand and cornucopiae; at feet, globe (?).
Cf. C. 237; cf. RIC V, I p. 218, 95.

    ID M33:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-18mm; 1.51g; 5h) irregular. IMP [ ] AVG Radiate bust to right. Rev. [P]ROVID AVG Providentia standing to left, holding cornucopiae in left hand, leaning on column; in exergue, [XII].
Cf. C. 220; cf. MIR 47 pl. 49: 100/17tO; cf. RIC V, I p 86.

    ID M34:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (AE; 16-17mm; 1.78g; 6h) irregular. [ ] Radiate head to right. Rev. [PROV]ID [AVG] Providentia standing holding wand and cornucopiae.
Cf. C. 220; cf. MIR 47 pl. 49: 100/17zO; cf. RIC V, I p. 217, 86.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG, Zurich 2001.

    ID M35:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270 Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.19g; 6h) irregular. IMP CLAVD[IUS] AVG Radiate bust to right. Rev. SECV-R-IT AVG Securitas standing to left, leaning on clumn; in exergue, [XI].
Cf. C. 268; MIR 47 pl. 27: 96s; RIC V, I p. 218, 100var.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG, Zurich 1975.

    ID M36:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-17mm; 2.85g; 4h) irregular. [IM]P CLAVDIVS [AVG] Radiate bust to right. Rev. [TEMPORVM FELI] Felicitas standing to left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae; in the field to right P.
Cf. C. 285; cf. RIC V, I p. 227, 192 (Siscia).
From the M. Weder collection, Pratteln 1978.

    ID M37:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 1.68g; 6h) irregular. [IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG] Radiate bust to right. Rev. VIC-TRI-A [AVG] sic! Victoria with wreath in right hand and branch over left shoulder.
Cf. C. 294; MIR 47 pl 49: 100/21uO; cf. RIC V, I p. 105.
From the stock of Muenzen und Medaillen AG, Basel 1984.

    ID M38:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-17mm; 1.93g; 12h) irregular Gallic. IMP [ ] Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev. [ ]A AVG Victoria standing to left, holding wreath and branch.
Cf. C. 293; MIR 47 pl. 49: 100/21yO; cf. RIC V, I p. 104; Weder p. 251 “Gallic”.

    ID M39:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-16mm; 1.64g; 5h) irregular. IMP C [ ]G Radiate head to right. Rev. VIC[TORIA AVG] Victory with branch and wreath standing to left.
Cf. C. 294; MIR 47 pl. 49: 100/21tO(2); cf. RIC V, I p. 105.
From the stock of M. Brugger, Zug 1997.

    ID M40:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (AE; 18-19mm; 2.04g; 12h) irregular. [IMP C CLAVDIVS AV[G] Radiate bust to right. Rev. [V]ICT-ORI- [A AVG] Victory standing to left, holding wreath and branch.
Cf. C. 293; MIR 47, pl. 49: 100/21yO; cf. RIC V, I p. 219, 104.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG, Zurich 1997.

    ID M41:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (AE; 18mm; 2.08g; 12h) irregular. [IMP CL]AVDIVS AVG Radiate bust to right. Rev. [VIR]TV-S AVG Soldier with branch in right hand and spear in left, standing in left; in the field to left E (retrograde).
Cf. Bastien 1939; cf. C. 313; cf. MIR 47 pl. 50: 100/22u5; cf. RIC V, I p. 219, 109.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG, Zurich 1998.

    ID M42:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.82g; 11h) irregular. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate bust to right. Rev. VIRTV[ ] Virtus or Soldier standing left, holding branch and spear; at foot, shield. Traces of overstrikes.
Cf. C. 314; cf. MIR 47 pl. 45: 100/22; cf. RIC V, I p. 219, 110.
From the stock of M. Brugger, Zug 1993.

    ID M43:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-16mm; 1.63g; 12h) irregular. [ ]VDIVS A[ ] Radiate bust to right. Rev. [ ]RT-V[ ] Standing figure to left.
Cf. C. 314; cf. MIR 47 pl. 50: 100/22; cf. RIC V, I p. 219, 110.

    ID M44:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (AE; 16-17mm; 1.99g; 6h) irregular. [ ]DIVS A[VG] Radiate bust to right. Rev. [VIRT]V-S AV[G] Standing figure to left.
Cf. C. 314; cf. MIR 47 pl. 50: 100/22; cf. RIC V, I p. 219, 110.

    ID M45:

Quintillus, AD 270. Antoninianus(BI; 15-17mm; 3.63g; 12h) irregular ?. [ ]LLVS AVG Radiate bust of Quintillus to right. Rev. AETE-R-[NIT AVG] Sol standing left, right hand raised and holding globe in left hand; in exergue [N].
Cf. C. 2; MIR 47 pl. 53: 101/15bb ?; RIC V, I p. 240, 7.
From the stock of G. Blançon, Hannover 1998.

    ID M46:

Quintillus, AD 270. Antoninianus(AE; 14-15mm; 1.61g; 5h) irregular. [ ]LVS AVG Radiate and draped bust of Quintillus to right. Rev. [PAX A]VGVSTI Pax standing to left, holding sceptre in left hand.
Cf. C. 52; cf. MIR 47 pl. 60: 102/38var; cf. RIC V, I p. 241, 26.
From the stock of F. Sternberg AG, Zurich 1998.

    ID M47:

Quintillus, AD 270. Antoninianus (AE; 19-20mm; 2.78g; 3h) irregular. IMP C M [AVR CL QVINTI]LLVS AVG Radiate, cuirassed and draped bust of Quintillus to right. Rev. VICTORIA AVG Victory walking to right, holding wreath in right hand and stick (= stylized palm branch) in left; in exergue, Γ.
Cf. Bastien 2513-4; cf. C. 70; mt 10, 2009 p. 134f and pl. 30 (this coin illustrated); Normanby 1153; cf. RIC V, I p. 242, 33.
From the stock of M. Pfefferle, Dornstellen 2003 and illustrated in mt 10, 2009 pl. 30.

    ID M48:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.40g; 11h) irregular and hybrid. Combining a Claudius Gothicus obverse with a Consecratio reverse. [IM]P CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECR[ATIO] Altar with garland.
C. 48; MIR 47 pl. 42: 99tOab; mt 3, 2010 p. 138f and pl. 15 (this coin illustrated); RIC V, I p. 233, 259.
From the stock of S. Sonntag, Stuttgart 1989 and illustrated in mt 3, 2010 pl. 15.

    ID M49:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-17mm; 1.77g; 12h) irregular and hybrid Combining a Claudius Gothicus obverse with a Consecratio reverse. IMP C CL[ ] Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev. [ ]OA [ ] V / A Altar with flame and garland.
Cf. C. 50; MIR 47 pl. 43: 99Z/Ob; RIC V, I p. 233, 259.
From the stock of Heritage, Paris 1998.

    ID M50:

Claudius II Gothicus, AD 268-270. Antoninianus (AR; 18-19mm; 2.20g; 6h) irregular and hyprid Combining a Claudius Gothicus obverse with a Consecratio reverse. [IMP] CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right. Rev. CON[SE]CRATIO Eagle standing to left, looking back.
Cf. C. 45; MIR 47 pl. 42: 98yOa; RIC V, I p. 233, 259var.
From the stock of Heritage, Paris 1998.


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