ID I01: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 3.52g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I02: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 3.41g; 6h) Details |
ID I03: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16mm; 3.29g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270 271. [D]IVO CL[AVDIO] Radiate head to right. Rev. C[ONSECRAT]IO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with the dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I04: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19mm; 3.24g; 11h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAV[DIO] Radiate head to right. Rev. [CON]SECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I05: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.18g; 2h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I06: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.18g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I07: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.15g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO [CLAVDI]O Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRAT[IO] Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I08: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-22mm; 3.14g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [D]IVO CLAVDI[O] Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I09: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16mm; 3.17g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CLAVDIO] Radiate head to right. Rev. [CONSECRATIO] Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I10: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-22mm; 3.04g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I11: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18mm; 3.00g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CLAVD]IO Radiate head to right. Rev. [CONSECR]ATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I12: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 2.89g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I13: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.83g; h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CL]AVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. [CONS]ECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I14: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.81g; 11h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. [CON]SECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I15: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 2.79g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. D[IVO] CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSEC[RATI]O Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I16: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.69g; 1h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DI]VO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONS[ECRATI]O Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I17: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-17mm; 2.66g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CLAVDIO] Radiate head to right. Rev. [CONSECRA]TIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I18: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.63g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSEC[RATIO] Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I19: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-18mm; 2.49g; 4h) Rome, 1st issue, c end 270-271. DIVO C[LAVDIO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. [CON]SECRA[TIO] Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I20: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-20mm; 2.43g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CL]AVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. [CONSECRA]TIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I21: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.42g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I22: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.40g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DI]VO CLAVD[IO] Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I23: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.36g; 7h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. D[IVO CLAVDIO] Radiate head to right. Rev. [C]ONSEC[RATIO] Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Could also be an irregular issue. Details |
ID I24: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16mm; 2.34g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CL]AVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSEC[RATIO] Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I25: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-17mm; 2.29g; 10h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO C]LAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. [CONSE]CRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I26: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.25g; 2h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIV[O] CLA[VDI]O Radiate head to right. Rev. [CONSECR]ATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Could also be an irregular issue. Details |
ID I27: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.22g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO [CLAVDI]O Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I28: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 2.21g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CLA]VDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONS[ECRATIO] Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I29: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 2.20g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I30: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (B; 15-16mm; 1.98g; 4h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIV]O CLA[VDIO] Radiate head to right. Rev. [CO]NSECRA[TIO] Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I31: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 1.86g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIV[O CL]AVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I32: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 1.68g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAV[DIO] Radiate head to right. Rev. C[ONSEC]RATIO Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Struck on brockage. Details |
ID I33: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 14-16mm; 1.48g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. D[IVO CLAVDI]O Radiate head to right. Rev. [CONSE]CR[ATIO] Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I34: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 13-14mm; 1.41g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIV]O [CLAVDIO] Radiate head to right. Rev. [CONSE]CRATI[O] Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I35: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 14-15mm; 1.34g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CL]AVDI[O] Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSE[CRATIO] Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I36: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 13-14mm; 1.11g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DI]VO [CLAVDIO] Radiate head to right. Rev. [CONSECRATIO] Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I37: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 14-15mm; 0.93g; 7h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [D]IVO CLAVDI[O] Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRA[TIO] Altar, with flame above, divided in four squares with a dot inside of each square. Details |
ID I38: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 21mm; 3.33g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, c end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I39: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 15mm; 3.23g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, c end 270-271. DI[VO CLAV]DI[O] Radiate bust to right. Rev. [CONSECRA]TIO Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I40: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 20mm; 3.22g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I41: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 2.81g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DI[VO CLAV]DIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. [CONSEC]RATIO Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I42: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 2.78g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Could also be an irregular issue. Details |
ID I43: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-17mm; 2.56g; 11h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO [CLAVDIO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. CO[NSECRAT]IO Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I44: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (AE; 17-18mm; 2.45g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. [CONS]ECRATIO Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I45: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-17mm; 2.43g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVD[IO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSEC[RATIO] Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I46: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-17mm; 2.29g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [D]IVO CLA[VDIO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSE[CRATIO] Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I47: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-16mm; 2.26g; 4h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CLAVDIO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. [CO]NSEC[RATIO] Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I48: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 14-15mm; 2.17g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DI[VO CLAVDIO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. [C]ONSECRAT[IO] Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I49: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI 16-18mm; 2.12g; 4h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Could also be an irregular issue. Details |
ID I50: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 1.96g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CLAV]DIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSE[CRATIO] Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I51: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-17mm; 1.93g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [D]IVO CL[AVDIO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONS[ECRATIO] Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I52: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-18mm; 1.91g; 11h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, with a garland; dot within the garland and two dots below in squares. Very rare. Details |
ID I53: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 14mm; 1.77g; 4h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I54: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-16mm; 1.52g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I55: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 15mm; 1.44g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Altar, with flame above, with a garland. Details |
ID I56: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.95g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to right, head turned to left. Details |
ID I57: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 268-270. Antoninianus, (BI; 18-23mm; 2.66g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to right, head turned to left. Details |
ID I58: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-16mm; 2.66g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to right, head turned to left. Details |
ID I59: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-17mm; 2.16g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to right, head turned to left. Details |
ID I60: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270 Antoninianus (BI; 14-15mm; 2.07g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to right, head turned to left. Details |
ID I61: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17mm; 4.76g; 7h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DI]VO CLA[VDIO] Radiate head to right. Rev. CONS[ECRATIO] Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I62: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 4.72g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CL[AVDI]O Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECR[ATIO] Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I63: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-22mm; 3.57g; 1h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CL[AVD]IO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I64: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 3.41g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I65: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 20-21mm; 3.21g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I66: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 3.12g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I67: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-18mm; 3.08g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO C[LAVDIO] Radiate head to right. Rev. [CONSEC]RATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I68: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 3.01g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSE[CR]ATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I69: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19mm; 2.83g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLA[VDIO] Radiate head to right. Rev. [CO]NSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I70: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.79g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I71: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.78g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I72: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 21-23mm; 2.77g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIV]O CLAVDIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I73: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-17mm; 2.71g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIV[O CLAV]DIO Radiate head to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I74: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 2.69g; h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDI[O] Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I75: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.60g; 1h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CO[NSECRA]TIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I76: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-20mm; 2.58g; 11h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I77: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-17mm; 2.54g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CLAVDIO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. CO[NSECRATI]O Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I78: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.44g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I79: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-19mm; 2.42g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I80: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-19mm; 2.35g; 11h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIV[O CLAVDI]O Radiate bust to right. Rev. CO[NSECRA]TIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I81: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.32g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I82: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 19-21mm; 2.20g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO] CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATI-O Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I83: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-22mm; 2.20g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. [CONSE]CRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I84: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-17mm; 2.19g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CLAVDIO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I85: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 17-18mm; 2.15g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAV[DIO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSE[CRATIO] Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I86: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 2.11g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CLA]VDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRA[TIO] Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I87: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-17mm; 2.10g; 5h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DI]VO CLAV[DIO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. CON[SECRATIO] Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I88: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 18-20mm; 2.04g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I89: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; mm; 2.01g; h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CON[SECRA]TIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I90: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16mm; 1.93g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I91: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16mm; 1.84g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CL]AVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSECRATIO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I92: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16-17mm; 1.80g; 12h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO] CLAV[DIO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. [CON]SECRA[TIO] Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I93: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 15-16mm; 1.81g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CLAV]DIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. [CONS]E[CRATIO] Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I94: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 16mm; 1.75g; 4h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CLAVDIO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. [CONSECRATIO] Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I95: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 15mm; 1.59g) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO CLAVDIO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. [CONSECRATIO] Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I96: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 13-14mm; 1.50g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DI]VO CLAVDIO Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSE[CRATIO] Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I97: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus (BI; 14mm; 1.49g; 6h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. [DIVO C]LAVDI[O] Radiate bust to right. Rev. [CONSEC]RATI[O] Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |
ID I98: Divus Claudius II Gothicus, died AD 270. Antoninianus RADIATI (BI; 9-11mm; 1.42g; h) Rome, 1st issue, ca end 270-271. DIVO CLAVD[IO] Radiate bust to right. Rev. CONSEC[RAT]IO Eagle standing to left, head turned to right. Details |